Channeled Messages, Omega Institute, The I of the Earth

The I Continues

6.29.17 continued…

Donna: What do you mean this is the center of the Universe?

I: At the time when I was floating and the earth was not here, I was the center of the Universe. I was the center.

Donna: Like you were the oracle eye, the all seeing I?

I: Yes, exactly. So I floated and whatever floated around me knew that I was the center of the Universe. So when I decided to stay still, and the earth was built, I still remained the center of the Universe only now the Universe expanded around me.

Donna: So what you are telling me is you were the originator? Are you God? Aaaa….(I’m not getting an answer)….are you God?

I: I see as God would see and he speaks through me, but I see as God would see.

Donna:  OK. So God is still something else, yes?

I: Yes, that is true. God is still something else other than…well when you see it, you’re saying something else, you’re putting a label on it. You’re looking for a label for God and there is no such thing. Even for you to call me an Oracle. That’s a label and I am the center. I am the I. I am the I. I AM THE I. I AM THE I.

Donna: So if God is I Am, you are the ‘I’ of the I Am. Okay, never saw it as two.

I: Now when you say two, you are putting a label on that.

Donna: OK, I get it. So energetically you are the ‘I’ and there is no Am.

I: No. I am the I and God is the Am. Together we are ‘I Am.’

Donna: So two, there’s two…

I: Again, labels…

Donna: Sorry, yep. I get it. Well I’m seeing it in my head, but I’m still this earthbound creature that has to see the Universe in my head…I don’t see it with my eyes. Ahh, but you’re saying ‘I am the I.’ So, when I see it, when I say ‘I see’…I don’t mean me, I mean I see it, I’m a part of you too.

I: Yes, now you are getting it.

Donna: Okay, I see. I see. I am the I. Okay. Where do ‘I’ go from here?

I: Exactly.

Donna: This is like ‘Who’s on first.’

I: Exactly.

Donna: Where do I go from here? Where do I go from here?

I: You will sit with me more often than not now. You will sit with me more often than not.

Donna: Do I have to just connect with you up here?

I: You will sit with me more often than not.

Donna: This is my connection?

I: This is the better connection. I wouldn’t say it’s your connection. I would definitely say it is the better connection for I.

Donna: I understand. I understand…now every time I say this, I’m going to think of this.

I:  Exactly. That is what you are meant to do. Because all that is of the Earth and on the Earth, is I. The I of the Earth. I, not ‘eye,’ I. I am the I.

Donna: OK, I’m going back to the God and you.

I: Labels!

Donna: So what we perceive as God…

I: Exactly. Perception. You made up that term.

Donna: …wasn’t exactly someone who spoke to us, but spoke through us. Correct? Just as you are speaking through me right now.

I: Correct.

Donna: You, no, I. So I and God, I AM, got together and decided…

I: No decisions, this is what we were here to do.

Donna: So I and God, I and Am, found the time, got the right time…

I: No good/bad, right/wrong…

Donna: Dammit. Developed…no. I and Am spoke, and Earth was created.

I: Yes, when we got together to speak—what you consider speak-when we got together, the world was created. Universe was already created. Universe was already created, yes. This was just the planet Earth.

Donna: So now I’m seeing how God was not the only creator.

I: No, there was I and there was Am.  There is the two or more, whenever two or more. ‘I Am’ is the two. I am is not one. I Am is two! I Am.

Donna: I get that. We’ve been saying it as God, as one.

I: I Am the I.

Donna: And you’re telling me that ‘I am’ is two. God is Am and you are I, you are The I of the Earth. Yea, good discussion.

Then we talked about the plant on the wall (the live plants that were positioned on the wall itself as decoration). He wanted it to be balanced. He kept telling me to change it. I can do it. I heard him, but didn’t want to do it. He didn’t want the plastic on him.







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